Meet Arnold
I am a family values, committed conservative businessman who has lived and worked in Alabama for most of my life. I’ve lived a full life. I’ve spent over 40 years working as a businessman in commercial real estate. My wife Kelly and I have been married for over 37 years. We’ve been blessed with three children, and ten grandchildren.
I am not a career politician. I’m a conservative and an outsider. But I look around and see a rising tide of socialism on the Left and feel like if we don’t do something to turn this ship around, we are going to leave our children and grandchildren a country we don’t recognize. Freedom isn’t transmitted through the bloodstream. It has to be taught and it has to be protected for each new generation. That’s why I am doing this.

Why I’m Running
The biggest threat to our God given rights and freedoms comes from within our own country. Within a decade we have seen our nation’s debt and problems multiply. Washington continues to pass multi-thousand page laws and send us unconstitutional, top down mandates. We must fight back against the encroachment of the federal government. Washington does not know what’s best for Alabama. Alabama does.
I have spent my life standing on principle, delivering results, and fighting for limited government and low taxation. I have fought the Establishment in Montgomery and I will do the same thing in Washington.

RELigious freedom
America was founded on the principles of religious freedom, but today religious freedom is under siege. Democrat presidential candidates campaign on removing the tax exempt status for churches based on their religious beliefs. Liberal media outlets and radical Leftists manufacture outrage to marginalize and create controversy around mainstream religious beliefs and values.
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Immigration & Border Security
There has been a fundamental failure to connect the dots of the wholly negative impact that rampant and unchecked illegal immigration has on the American people, the health of our society, and the rule of law.
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I strongly believe in the 2nd Amendment and its constitutional guarantee for Americans right to keep and bear arms. Period. The right to protect oneself and family is a God given right.
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Standing Up to China
Access to relatively deregulated foreign markets is critical for our economy, our farmers, and our businesses. However, hostile nations like communist China have long manipulated our desire to see the free flow and exchange of goods and services as a means of growing their influence and exporting their authoritarian philosophy.
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The federal government continues to bury future generations of Americans further into debt. Without an immediate and sustained effort to reverse the trend, Americans will suffer dire consequences.
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free market healthcare
Our healthcare is a vital area of concern to all Alabamians and we have suffered with onerous and harmful federal intervention. We have just begun to see the catastrophic impact of Obamacare. Healthcare cannot be micromanaged at the national level. Obamacare must be repealed and entitlement programs like Medicaid reformed, not expanded. Healthcare reforms should be patient-doctor relationship centered.
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Life is precious and begins at conception. The unborn cannot speak for themselves, and I strongly believe that as a society we are judged by how we protect those who are the most vulnerable. There is no group more vulnerable than the unborn.
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Improving Education and Repealing Common Core
Common Core standards and its implementation teaches children what to think, not how to think. Gone are the classical literary texts and stories that expose our children to the values, stories, and heritage that helped make our country great and used bold colors to define our country. These bold colors are being replaced with the pale pastels of “informational texts” that treat our children as assembly line products being prepared for market.
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